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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This poll is for BLACK MALES ONLY!
0 I am a black male
0 I am not a black male and so will NOT fill out this survey!

I find straight hair more attractive than "afro" hair
0 NO

I find blond, brown, or redheads more attractive than black haired girls
0 NO

I find lighter skin more attractive than darker skin
0 NO

I find a small, pointy, narrow nose more attractive than a large, flat, wide nose
0 NO

I find thin or medium lips more attractive than thick lips
0 NO

Considering your responses to the previous questions:
0 I find Caucasian features to be more attractive
0 I find Black features to me more attractive

If you responded YES to the previous question, does this mean you find Caucasian women more attractive (on average) than black women?
0 NO

Again if you answered yes to the "caucasian features vs. black features" question, this must imply that you find white men (who have Caucasian features) more attractive than Black men (who have black features) since you find caucasian features more attractive than black features in general
0 YES that follows
0 NO because I must think of myself as attractive so I cannot say that

If you find Caucasian features more attractive than black features, why don't you find your features less attractive than those of white men?
0 I do not want to see myself as unattractive
0 This is an issue of racial self-hatred that a lot of black men face
0 I DO think my features are less attractive than those of white men
0 I realize that this is hypocritical, but I can't think of an explanation

If you find light skin more attractive than dark skin, do you think YOU would be more attractive if you had lighter skin?
0 NO

If you find a small, narrow, pointy nose more attractive than a large, wide, flat nose, do you think YOU would be more attractive if you had a smaller, narrower, pointier nose?
0 NO

If you find thin lips more attractive than thick lips, do you think YOU would be more attractive if you had thinner lips?
0 NO

If you find straight hair more attractive than "afro" hair, do you think YOU would be more attractive if you had straighter hair?
0 NO

If you find light skin more attractive than dark skin, do you think BLACK WOMEN would be more attractive if they had lighter skin?
0 NO

If you find a small, narrow, pointy nose more attractive than a large, wide, flat nose, do you think BLACK WOMEN would be more attractive if they had smaller, narrower, pointier noses?
0 NO

If you find thin lips more attractive than thick lips, do you think BLACK WOMEN would be more attractive if they had thinner lips?
0 NO

If you find straight hair more attractive than "afro" hair, do you think BLACK WOMEN would be more attractive if they had straighter hair?
0 NO

Looking at the above 8 questions, if you DON'T think YOU would be more attractive with Caucasian features, but you DO think BLACK WOMEN would be more attractive with Caucasian features, how do you explain these conflicting views?
0 I just hope white women find my features attractive
0 I don't want to see myself as unattractive
0 I realize this is hypocritical, and I can't explain it!
0 I've convinced myself that black features are attractive on men but not on women

If you answered that you find Caucasian features more attractive than black features (especially on women), would you find your future daughter (with a white woman) less attractive if she inherited more of your black features?
0 YES- Like I said, black features are attractive on a man, but not on a woman!
0 YES- I hope she inherits more white features
0 NO- I realize this contradicts my earlier statements

If you answered that you find Caucasian features more attractive than black features, would you find your future daughter (with a white woman) more attractive if she'd had a white father instead of you?
0 YES- white people are just more attractive
0 YES- but it's the best that I can do genetically
0 NO- I realize this is contradictory

I found this poll @, I did not do this to demean or degrade the black male. What I did this for is to address the hypocrisy that occurs in some to most of their minds. This was not meant to be an actual survey but a poll to show you that their are so many things that can be labeled as hypocritical that black males participate in. And this is for those "brothas" who say they prefer a white or light skin woman over a darker skinned woman. This is not because I am upset or angry because Im a chocolate sista. NO! I get approached by lighter skin men about 2 times as much as darker skinned ones. This is for those who say they like light skin or white women because of their physical features which darker women may not possess. You prefer what you prefer but lets examine some things first. This poll helped take a different approach that even I have never thought about. If blk men (esp darker skin) say that white or light skin women are more attractive, then basically they need to open their minds and think about it for a min. So you are saying that white or lighter skin blk men are more attractive than YOU! Their features are better than yours and you should deem them more asthetically pleasing than you are. Because isnt that what you are saying when you place those "qualifications" on blk women? But then comes the kicker, does it only relate to women? If you are a brotha and, esp darker skin, and you possess the same features of a blk, darker-skin women and you consider yourself attractive, then why cant you consider the same for the women? Hyporitical shall I say? And another kicker, if you are a blk men, you are sayin that your potential, future daughters will not be as attractive as a white or lighter skin blk women? So, if you are NOT saying that then why is that you (if you do) put these qualifications of beauty upon your black female peers? Why do black women have to conform to these standards of "beauty" even if YOU dont, but you still hold that you can still be labeled as attractive.

This was NOT to diss all black men because I know that all of you do not feel or think this way. I am just addressing an issue that you would be deaf, blind and dumb not to believe exists in our community. Im aiming at making people THINK before allowing things to come out of their mouth. I want to show that this hypocrisy exists and hope that they are open-minded enough to actually see that these comparisons, if they are going to be made, needs to be made across the board. These "features" do not know gender or age, so why should you place these boundaries on them? Why should you place "circumstances" and "exceptions" on something that has none?


Caffeinated Bliss said...

Hmm interesting post. I live in a country where being a lighter shade of brown is considered more beautiful.. It's always fair this or fair that... creams to lighten your skin... that type of thing. I call it insanity. I fall into the darker brown category (am from Pakistan)and have a really difficult time defining people based on their color. For some reason it's usually the last thing I notice about them... it's always been like that.

mizzeboni said...

and this is why i love to hear other people's opinions because I would not have even known that people outside the "black" well, African american community experience same problems. I, too, think that skin color is so ridiculous to judge our standards of beauty off of. i believe that if you are attractive, you are attractive in any race, skin tone, ect..

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